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Seung Gu Park

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Nair, N.U., Das, A., Amit, U., Robinson, W., Park, S.G., Basu, M., Lugo, A., Leor, J., Ruppin, E. and Hannenhalli, S., 2018. Putative functional genes in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. Scientific reports, 8(1), p.66.<br />
Sahu, A., Lee, J.S., Zhang, G., Wang, Z., Tian, T., Moll, T., Kasumova, G., Miao, B., Wei, Z., Nair, N.U. and Ponomarova, O., 2018. Genome-wide prediction of synthetic rescue mediators of resistance to targeted and immunotherapy. bioRxiv, p.284240.<br />
Kim, S., Park, I., Park, S.G., Cho, S., Kim, J.H., Ipper, N.S., Choi, S.S., Lee, E.S. and Hong, H.J., 2017. Generation, Diversity Determination, and Application to Antibody Selection of a Human Na&iuml;ve Fab Library. Molecules and Cells, 40(9), p.655.<br />
Malin, J., Ezer, D., Ma, X., Mount, S., Karathia, H., Park, S.G., Adryan, B. and Hannenhalli, S., 2015. Crowdsourcing: Spatial clustering of low-affinity binding sites amplifies in vivo transcription factor occupancy. bioRxiv, p.024398.<br />
Park, S.G. and Hannenhalli, S., 2015. First intron length in mammals is associated with 5&prime; exon skipping rate. bioRxiv, p.024463.<br />